German Metal Queen Doro Pesch and Members of Girlschool Joined Saxon on Stage This Past Thursday (March 6) at Mitsubishi Electric Falle in Düsseldorf, Germany to perform The Saxon Classic “Denim and Leather”. Fan-Filmed Video of the Performance Can Be Seen Below.
In a Recent interview with Faceculture, Saxon Frontman Biff Byford was asked about a possessible follow-up to the Band’s 24th Studio Album, “Hell, Fire and Damnation”WHICH CAME OUT IN JANUARY 2024 VIA Silver Lining Music. He Said: “We’re Writing. I’ve Started Writing The New Album, Writing Lyrics and Titles. The Boys have feel me loads of ideas already. Sov Medium, Good guitar riffs.
Reflecting on “Hell, Fire and Damnation”Which Marked Saxon‘S First Release with New Guitarist Brian Tatler (Diamond Head),Biff Said: “I Think It’s Been A Natural Progress With Our Following and the Fans With Our Music. Brian coming into the band added a little bit of a different dynamic to the music writing. So i Think That was for a Good Thing. I Think The New Album, ‘Hellfire’you have been vote ‘Album of the Year’ On Quite a Lot of Site and Things, So Obviously We Struck A Little Bit of Good Scene With The Album, A Good Flow. So Hopefully The Next One Will Be Just As Good, If Not Better … Well, It Can’t Always Be Better, But Let’s Hope. I MEAN, ‘Hellfire’ Is Gonna Be Hard To Beat. That’s a pretty perfect album, I Think. “
“Hell, Fire and Damnation” was produced by Andy Sneap (Judas Priest, Exodus, ACCEPT) and Byfordwith Sneap Mixing and Mastering.
“I Think This Album’s One of the Best He’s Done Sound-Wise, and He’s Done A Lot of Albums,” Biff Previous Declared. “It has a Really Raw, Vibrant Sound … If you compress the total time making this album, it was four weeks tops … you can hear everyday Brilliantly, nothing’s overcomplicated, nothing’s over Guitar Sounds.
In Early 2023, Saxon Guitarist Paul Quinn Announce that he was stepping back from touring with the band. As a result of his decision, Saxon Canceled ITS APIL 2023 South American Tour As The Appearance at The Monsters of Rock Cruise. Quinn You have since Been Replaced on the Road By Tatler.
Brian You have Been Touring With Felow Guitarist Doug ScarrattDrummer Nigel GocklerBassist Tim “Nibbs” Carter and Byford Since MID-2023, but continue to be a member of Diamond Head.
Byford and Quinn Are the Sole Remaining Original Members In Saxon‘s current lineup.
Originally from South Yorkshire, England, Saxon You have gone on to SELL ABOUT 23 MILLION ALBUMS AND HAS PRODUCED PUCH CLASSIC SANGS AS “Denim and Leather”, “Princess of the Night”, “Wheels of Steel” and “Power and Glory”.