We talk about one of the names of the moment, the king of the genre in question, Anyma. This Italian producer is a machine to create IDs, which has been reproducing throughout all the shows in which he has participated, either in his shows of Genesys alone as in all those events of Afterlife in which he has intervened next to Mrak as Tale of us. However, this amount of issues that have not officially been made available to the public for their listening has been higher than throughout the numerous actions he has performed in the spectacular Sphere de Las Vegas.

After all this Hype Incredibly made over time, on March 2, the date on which the Italian producer ended his residence in the American city, the date on which his last album, ‘The End of Genesys’You will see the light. And this is the May 23, 2025making it public, Anyma himself also in an Instagram publication earlier this week. In this video, where he ended the last Show of the idyll in Las Vegas, he thanked the public visibly excited the love offered while the revelation date of the new album appeared behind the artist on the giant screen made of 50 million LED lights.

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As for the material That this new compilation will contain, which ends the entire Genesys saga that the Italic has been developing since its solo adventure began, it is quite extensive, so much so that we would not know or count the amount of solo issues, collaborations and remixes that the star and king of the melodic techno. Since this list is very wide and several articles would be necessary to analyze all of them (we will try to synthesize when the album has come to light), we will highlight those ID’s further relevant Under our humble criteria.

To the issues that have already been published as the collaboration with Ellie Goulding, ‘Hypnotized’; ‘Voices in My Head’ next to They are of son and Argy and ‘Angel in the Dark’ with Massanowe highlight the following great collaborations for the reasons that we will present below. It should be remembered at this point that No official tracklistwhereby all names are provisional and there may be mentioned issues that are not finally included in the album because they are subject to separate publications; All this until we have the exact confirmation by the authors of the works we will comment.

‘From Japan’ either ‘Neverland’ next to the Egyptian Baseot It is a very interesting topic by the vowel introduced by this artist, who mixes tones of Pop with a quite overwhelming melodic. In this same orientation, we also mention ‘Work’ next to Yeatpresented only during the last shows of the residence at the end of February and March 1 and 2, dates in which Matteo Milleri also exhibited ‘Entropy’simple created next to Rezz.

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With more mystical and melodic tones, it stands out ‘In the dark’theme that has the help of Layton Giordani and with the vowel of the already veteran Magnusan artist who is already an old known in the forum for having collaborated with other people in the branch like the Brazilian Vintage Cultureamong others.

Along the same lines, we find an interesting remix connected next to the legend Eric Prydz to ‘Somoebody´s Watching Me’which is a perfect sample of the combination of the styles of both artists; and a spectacular featuring with the incredible vowel of Empire of the Sun in ‘Human Now’which has been the closing issue of each of the acts executed in the American city of Las Vegas.

And, of course, next to your partner GrimesLegend of Dream Pop, two very suggestive tracks are expected in terms of style and voice: ‘A quantum romance’ and ‘Taratata’.

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Finally, a solo remix to the most reproduced theme in the history of Spotify, that is, to ‘Binding Lights’ of The Weeknd; and the composition that most expectation He has created among all fans since he has reproduced in all the shows of the Italian artist for more than two years, the expected collaboration with Rüfüs du Sol, ‘You make me’. The latter is, almost safely, the track most expected For all, and which we believe and hope that it will be part of the LP that awaits us for the future month of May.

In short, the end of this historic residence in Sphere Las Vegas, which has broken all the records For an electronic music show with a total of 200,000 attendees Among all dates and with 8 Sold Outs, it has given name and foot to the fact that the last album that will end the particular Genesys of Anyma can finally be revealed.
