Pochita recalled that, in 2023, he told Karla Tarazona that she would return with a person from the past. Photo: Instagram

Christian Domínguez and Karla Tarazona recently confirmed that they decided to give a new opportunity in love.

Through his social networks, the leader of Grand International Orchestra, Christian Domínguezmade public that Karla Tarazona He decided to give him a new opportunity, so both are together again and live in the same department.

This reconciliation has generated all kinds of comments on social networks because the first stage of romance ended by an alleged infidelity of Dominguez. Therefore, users are interested in knowing what will happen with the couple.

You can see: Christian Domínguez and Karla Tarazona formalized their romance? This published the protagonists

Christian Domínguez and Karla Tarazona will be parents again?

Our dear Pochita He recalled that, in 2023, he told the same Karla Tarazona that would return with a person from the past. “In 2024 all the problems we know were raised and she returned with Christian Domínguez”He said.

(Source: New Q)

In this sense, Pochita was also encouraged to predict if Christian Domínguez and Karla Tarazona They will be parents again. “They are trying by all means, but to achieve it, especially her, she must undergo a small fertility treatment. If he does, he will have a very beautiful girl and they will be very happy, ”said Pochita.

You can see: Christian Domínguez responded about possible collaboration with ‘Aladino’: this said

Karla Tarazona did not rule out being a mother again

During the interview in ‘Everything filters’, Karla Tarazonaat 41, he did not rule out having another son with Christian Domínguez. However, he clarified that before making a decision, there are conditions that must be met.

“If everything goes well, if we continue working, because the economic part is important to give our children what they deserve, and if my body responds, I do not rule out the possibility. And if God wants, I have a child again. Nor does my dream steal, there are responsibilities to fulfill, not only economic, but also emotional, ”Tarazona said.

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