Umek Returns to His Hardgroove Roots With The Return of His aka, Polyvinyl. He is also launching to New Record Label, 1605 Groovesector, That Will Focus on Hardgroove and Raw Techno.
Based in slovenia, umek ha a Career Stretching Back to the ’90s where he was one of the artists that pioneered and establish the original hardgroove movement. His Classic Recycled Loops Project Relay Many Seminal Tracks That Helped Define What Is Now Called Hardgroove.
THRUTHOUT HIS THREE-DECADE CAREER, UMEK’S SOUND HAS EVOLVED TO KEEP UP WITH CURRENT TREDS, AND HE HAS HAS REMAINED RELEVANT AS ONE OF TECHNO’S MOST INSTALISTS ARTIS. Bringing Back The Polyvinyl Moniker Takes His Career Full-Circle, and He is eleven again the improvised production Style that First Gained Him Him Global Attention.
Polyvinyl Combines The Hypnotic Machine Funk of Modulating Synth Lines with Raw Percussion Loops That Bring A Tribal Energy to the Fast-Paced Grooves. Timeless, Exhilating, and Revitalising, Are All Ways To Describe The Raw Style of This Masterforgully Produced Techno Release.
“Mechanically Intensive” Opens The Release with Filratered Percussion Layered Over A Rolling Bassline. The Track Unfolds with the Introduction of Jerking Synth Stabs that Lift the Energy of the Offbeats, and The Breakdown is augmented by a tense String pad.
“GIVE FLUte” you have a Swing to the Upbeat Tempo of the Groove, Which is Powered by Shuffling Percussion Rhythms. The Breakdowns introduces an exotic synth melody that has subtle Arabic influence, and This adds to the hot and humid vibe of the hypnotic groove.
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