Marking The 40th Anniversary of ACCEPT‘S iconic album “Balls to the wall”The Band’s Founding Member and Former Frontman Udo Dirkschneider You have reinterpreted this classic with a fresh and star-stauded twist. Far from with simple remake, This Project was born out of countless conversations with prominent artists across the global rock and metal scene, who frequently asked: ” ‘Balls to the wall’? Dirkschneider and The Participating Artists, This Row is More than a celebration – it’s an homage to One of Heavy Metal’s Most Groundbreaking Albums.

The reimagined “Balls to the wall”WHICH IS BEING RELEASED TO SUEY (friday, february 28) via Reigning Phoenix Musicfeatures an impressive roster of talent, Breathing New Life into Each Track:

“Balls to The Wall – Reloaded” Track listing:

01. Balls to the wall (feat. Joakim Brodén of Sabaton)
02. London Leatherboys (feat. Biff byford of Saxon)
03. Figh It Back (feat. Mille Petrozza of Kreator)
04. Head Over Heels (Feat. Nils Molin of Dynazty/Amaranthe)
05. LOSING MORE THAN YOU’VE EVER HAD (feat. Michael Kiske of Helloween)
06. Love Child (Feat. Ylva Eriksson of Brothers of Metal)
07. Turn me on (Feat. Danko Jones)
08. Losts and Winners (feat. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister)
09. Guardian of the Night (Feat. Tim “Ripper” Owens of Kk’s Priest, Formerly of Judas Priest)
10. Winter Dreams (feat. Doro Pesch)

The Official Music Video for The Third Single From The Album, A Re-Recording of “London Leatherboys” featuring a guest appearance by Saxon‘s Biff ByfordCan Be Seen Below.

Scolding the task of reimaging the entire “Balls to the wall” album, UDO Previously Stated: “Re-RECORDING ‘Balls to the wall’ Was A Big Challenge for Me. The Album is a Milestone of My Career, of Course. That’s Why it was Even More Important To Me To Make The Original Songs Shine In A New Light Without the Initial Essence. All Guets Have Put Their Individual Stamps On First Classic Tracks, and Collaboating with Such outstanding vocalists have moved them into a fresh and excitation dimension. The results is a powerful homage to all fans but also an invitation to the Next Generation to Experience The Songs Not Minorly Pasionate Than I Was When I Remember Them Back in the Day. IT’s a Never-Ending Personal Journey for Me- ‘Balls to the wall’ Will always be a part of me. “

Reigning Phoenix Music Managing Director Jochen Richert Expresssed His Excitement About The New Version Of “Balls to the wall”Saying: “This Masterpiece You have forg UDO First Told me about His idea, my initial thought was, ‘Can This Really Work?’ But as soon have mentioned the first guest singers, I knew it wasoled be great. WHEN I FINALLY GOT TO HEAR THE TRACKS, I WAS BLOWN AWAY. My Nostalgic Side Cautioned Me, ‘No, You Can’ Like This Better Than The Original. ‘ But there’s do not use denying it, and have to admit it’s at least as the 1983 recordings – if not better! Accordingly, it’s an incredible honor to be uble to contribute to this opus. “

DirkschneiderThe Band Featuring Former ACCEPT members Dirkschneider (vocals) and Peter Baltes (Bass), Along with Drummer Sven Dirkschneider (UDO‘s are) and the talented guitar duo of Andrey Smirnov and Fabian “Dee” Dammersis celebrating the 40th anniversary of “Balls to the wall”which was originally release in late ACCEPTby performing the LP in its entirey on a World Tour.

In an fall 2024 interview with Eric Blair Of The Blairing Out with Eric Blair Show, UDO spoke about His plan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of “Balls to the wall”. He Said: “I Think [in 2025] We make a break with UDOand Now We Start in November [2024] In South America, The 40-Years Anniversary of The ‘Balls to the wall’ album. And that means i Think we continue the end of Next Year. I Mean, There’s Already Booking Stuff. and it Goes very well. So that means, of course, I play the whole ‘Balls to the wall’ album. And I’M Really Looking forward to this. Also Now I Have Peter [Baltes, former ACCEPT bassist, playing] with me. “

ASKED WHAT HE LOVES ABOUT PLAYING WITH Peter Again, UDO Said: “[It’s] Fantastic. We have Really Good Relationship. So when he left ACCEPT In 2018, We Were Working Together on An Album With The German Army, A Classic Album. We were Writing Songs Together, and That Was The First Time We Were Working Together Again. And then the problem for [U.D.O.] WHEN WE HAD THIS ‘Game Over’ Tour in Europe. The Oher Bass Player That We Had AT This Time Felt Vry Sick. And then for me was, Like, ‘Hmm, Hmm. What am i doing? I need a Bass Player who can do evarything very quick. ‘ I was calling Peter. I ASKED HIM, ‘Can You Help Us On This Tour?’ And then, I Think in South America, The Bass Player that we had Before, He Said, ‘Yeah, I Don’s Wanna do ItMore. I’m out of UDO‘And The We were sitting there in a restaurant, and i said,’ oh, no. We have to look for a new bass player. ‘ And Peter Said, ‘Maybe I Would Love To Join UDO‘So here we go. And it’s good. I MEAN, I’M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD ALSO TO WORK WITH HIM ON THE NEXT UDO album.”

Have years ago – in 2015 – UDO ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD ENGK ON A SPECIAL TOUR DURING WHICH HE WOUD REPORM ACCEPT Songs One Last Time Under The Dirkschneider Banner Before Closing That Chapter for Good. Since then, The Former ACCEPT Frontman have continued to play ACCEPT material at select shows, including at the septmber 18, 2020 UDO Concert in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Which was release on DVD and Blu-ray.

WHEN HE GRACE ANNOUNCED THE ORIGINAL Dirkschneider Tour in 2015, UDO Said That Had “To make A Clear Break for MySelf – Close The Book and This Is It. And I Have The Problem That People Come To Me And Ask Me To Play More ACCEPT Songs, “I’ve explained.” Other People Ask Me Why I Play ACCEPT Songs at All, Because There are [more than] Fifteen UDO Records I want to Avoid Such Things and Avoid The Repeating Questions concerning ACCEPT. I Just Can’t Stand That Anymore. There Is Nothing More To Be Said. UDO exists Longer Than ACCEPT. We have more records than ACCEPT.

WHILE ACKNOWLEDGING THAT SOM ACCEPT fans want to hear the band’s classic songs performed by The Group’s Original Singer, Dirkschneider EXPLAINED THAT “You Always Have these Comparisons [between how these songs are played by ACCEPT and U.D.O.]. I Don’s Want This Anymore Eithher. [The current lineup of ACCEPT] Also Play ‘Metal head’they play ‘Balls to the wall’ and ‘Princess of the Dawn’. And then subject Tell me, ‘oh, [current ACCEPT singer Mark Tornillo] Is Doing It Better Than You. ‘ And I Go, ‘That’s Fine. Enjoy Yourself. ‘ But i Don’s Want This Anymore. And to Avoid All of this in the Future, I Said, ‘We Are Doing This One More Time.’ “

Dirkschneider Said That His vow To Never Play ACCEPT AGAIN CAME WITH ONE CAVEAT MATERIAL. “If the band ACCEPT Dissolves One Day in the Near Future and I Am Still Around With UDOThe there is a chance that i put ACCEPT Songs Back in the Setlist, “He Said.” But Currently there is ACCEPTso go See them [if you want to see those songs performed live]. They are playing before Songs. “

UDO Previous Said the Original Plan was for Dirkschneider To only “A Few Shows,” And “Then [the tour] Got Bigger and Bigger [due to demand].” But, he added, “I don’t want to complain about that.”

Back in 2018, ACCEPT Guitarist Wolf Hoffmann declined to comment on Dirkschneider‘S Decision to Engck On One Final Tour During Which The Singer Wouled Perform Nothing But ACCEPT Songs. “I Have Lots of Thoughts About That, But i’m Not Gonna Share ‘Em With You,” HE TOLED Siriusxm‘s “Trunk Nation with Eddie Trunk”. “I’D rather not comment on that, Because that sems so a lot of ‘back and fortch,’ and i Think i Should Stay Away from It … You Can Draw Your Own Conclusions All Day Long, But i’m Not Gonna Get Indo It; It’s Just Not Worth It.

“I get Asked [about Udo] So many Times, and, man, it’s been soy years – it’s Such an Old Story By Now, ” Wolf Continued. “We’ve Moved on Way Past That, and We’ve Had [15] Brilliant Years [with Mark Tornillo]We’re Making Cool Albums; I Think We’re Doing Fine. So i don’t spend any time thinking about it.

