delivered to the approval note of the candidacy of the new Ambassador of Russia, Alexandr Dárchiev, during the negotiations held on Thursday in the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on its official portal.

The American part delivered the official note with the approval of the designation of the director of the Department of the North Atlantic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Alexandr Darchievas new extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Russian Federation in the United States”, He pointed out Russian diplomacy.

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According to exteriors, the note was delivered “During the consultations held February 27 Among the delegations of Russia and the US on the normalization of the operation of the diplomatic legations of the two countries ”.

The departure of Darchiev to Washington “It will take place soon”, added exteriors.

The diplomat headed yesterday the Russian delegation in Istanbul During the conversations, which were held behind closed doors and extended for six and a half hours.

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Russian Foreign Minister, Serguéi Lavrovannounced Wednesday that negotiators would address the work of the embassies of both countries.

One of the most important points for Moscow is the return of six Russian diplomatic properties in USA.

The first round of Russian-American negotiations took place on February 18 in Riadwhich meant the first direct contact between both parties from the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

Russian President, Vladimir Putinwhich agreed on February 12 in telephone conversation with the US president, Donald Trumpthe beginning of a negotiation to end the war in Ukraine, positively valued the meeting of Riad.

Putin considered it the first attempt to increase confidence between both powers, which described as a crucial to achieve a peaceful arrangement in Ukraineand denied that kyiv It will be excluded from the negotiations.

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