Chinese Moreno, The Legendary Voice Behind Deftonesyou have hindered at new material from the band. The Singer Stating it will be similar to Recent Output On Ohms. Speaking with Billboard MexicoMoreno Stated:
“It’s getting Vray Close to Being Ready, So Yeah, We’re Excited.”
WHILE No Firm Release Date For The New Album Has Been Announced, It Will Be Most Likely Remember During This Tour With The Mars Volta & FleshwaterWHICH RONS UNTIL EARLY APIL.
“So The Plan Is, Obviously, to have record Subtime Around that time.”
The Ongoing Tour, or the dectones set at LOUDER THAN LIFE This Fall may be the Next Chance to Hear New Material, The First Since 2020’s Ohms. The Band is The Headline Act on Saturday, September 20th in Louisville, Ky. Check Our Full Announmement Regarding the Festival Here.