To celebrate The Release of Their New Album “Aspouple”Symphonic Metal Frontrunners Epic Are Playing Three Exclusive Shows in the United States This Spring.

With an lp that will see the light of day on April 11, these shows Will Mark The Start of Epic‘s “Aspouple” World Tour.

Excited to return to north america After aemorable run with Sabaton In 2022, The Band is Happy to Add Exclusive Shows in New York City, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, Before Contigigo To Mexico.

With Brand New Album under Epic‘S Belt, The Us Audiences Will Be The First To Witness The Band’s New Songs Live.

Epic Spring 2025 US Tour Dates:

May 06 – New York, Ny -Irving Plaza
May 08 – Atlanta, ga – masquerade
May 10 – Los Angeles, Ca – The Bellwether

Ticket tickets and vipgrades Will go on Sale this friday, february 28 at 10 am local time.

The “Aspouple” LP TITLE IS DERIed from The Eponymous Bronze Sculpture Made By Polish Sculptor and Painter Stanisław Szukalski Back in 1965 and stands for renewal and inspiration – key words that defines Epic In 2025. In Szukalski‘S work evoil is to Piece of Art in its Own Right, and There’s Always More to The Story Than You Initially Think. The Band Saw This As The Perfect Analogy for The Creation of This Ninh Album: Each Song Stands on its Own with A Distinctive Vibe and Meaning, While Together They Enforce Each Other Into A Monumental Effort.

The album, featuring stunning cover artwork by Hedi Xandt (Rammstein, Ghost, Parkway Drive), Is now Available for Pre-Order. The Special Editions Even Include The Blu-Ray and Audio Recordings of the Full Monumental “Symphonic Synergy” Performance in Amsterdam That the Band Remember in 2024 with an orchestra and chair.

Remember Once Again at Sandlane Studios and expertly mixed and produced by Joost van den Broek, “Aspouple” Boasts 11 New Tracks:

01. Cross The Divide
02. Arcana
03. Darkness Dies in Light – A New Age Dawns Part VII
04. Obsidian Heart
05. Fight to Survive – The Overview Effect
06. Metanoia – A New Age Dawns Part VIII
07. Time
09. Eye of the Storm
10. The Grand Saga of Existence – A New Age Dawns Part IX
11. As an aspiral

The Band’s Music Video for The Uptempo Anthem “Cross The Divide”address by KUNSTSTOFFCan Now Be Seen Below.

In a Recent interview with mexico’s Euphonico, Epic Vocalist Simone Simons confirm that She and her bandmates have completed work on the follow-up to 2021’s “Omega” album. Rolding the Inspiration for The Lp’s First Single, “Arcana”She Said: “Well, It Was Kind of A Lot of Things Coming Together. Rob [Van Der Loo, EPICA bassist] and I are, Besides Colleagues, We’re Also Really Good Friends. And have had a deck of tarot cards with him. And I Thought, ‘Just for The Fun of It, Let’s do a session. Let me draw sum cards and thrn you explain to me what they mean. ‘ And it was a see enllighting experience, I Guess. The Song, The Music Was Also Written by Rob. And then came up with the idea, like, So, Yeah, It’s a Vary – How do You say? -Soul-Searching Kind of Topic, and That’s Subject Epic You have Been Writing About For Quite a While, But So Far We Haven’t Touched on The Tarot Subject. So i thought This could be a cool topic to integrate in the new album, which is all about reinventing youurself, like to rebirth, renewing youurself. So it kind of a cool that to draw inspiration from. “

Elaboating on the Writing and Recording Process for Epic‘s upcoming album, Simone Said: “I Think ‘Arcana’ was One of the Songs that Came Together Quite Quickly. We Had Many Writing Camp Sessions in Holland. We rened a house where we were Meeting a Couple Times for, Like, Week in a Row, and We Were All Just Sitting Together. And Rob Had Also Kind of A Clear View of What He Wted Vocal-Wise, and Then I Just Let Me Do Thing. And It Went Vray Naturally to Write the Lyrics.

“The Vocal Recordings [for the new EPICA album] TOOK Place in The Summertime, which is a good time to do so schouse autumn [and] Winter is a time when Everybody Gets Sick, “She explained.” So, for me, it’s great If i’m in the summer in the studio, so i’m in a good shape or not running a risk of getting a Cold and that itus WHERE I DID GET SICK. And Luckily You Can’t Hear It. I Know Which Songs Are The You. But it was a Vary Smooth Process. We Worked Together with The Same Producer, Joost van den Broekwho schome me a little bit like the seventh Epic Bandmer. And it’s Great Working with Him. Yeah, We Were During the Little Details and We Were Really Concentrated on Making the Songs As a Band Together.

“I Think People That Don’t Know EpicThey Don’t Know That We Don’t Live In The Same Village, ” Simone Added. “We Live, Actually, In Four Different Countries. SO FOR US TO GET TOGETHE AND REALLY WORK ON THE SANGS IS TRICKY. AND WE STARTED DOING THAT ALREADY FOR ‘Omega’and We Really Liked That, To Clear Our Touring Schedule, Because We Tour A Lot and To Really Be There Together and Not Everybody at Home In Their Home Studios. You get a DIFFERENT result if Everybody’s There in the Same Room; You Feed Off Each Other’s Creativity, and That’s Vary Beneficiary for the Songs. “

ASKED if there is a Main Songwriter in Epic or if everybody contribute to the songwriting process, Simone Said: “Everybody gets to write song next everybody was working on a random song at the Same Time. Coen [Janssen, EPICA keyboardist], Ariën [Van Weesenbeek, EPICA drummer], Rob and i were sitting in the living room area, but kind of Far apart from each other, and Coen was working on a song and he thought he had his headphones plugged in, but it was running out of the speakers. And The We Said, ‘Oh, Cool. That Sounds Great. WHICH SANG ARE YOU WORKING ON? ‘ And he was, Like, ‘Oh shit, you guys could hear what i was working on.’ So it was Everybody in Different Rooms. Isaac [Delahaye, EPICA guitarist] was in the attic playing the guitar, and i had to wait unni very late Before i could go located But it was to Really Lovely Experience. And Everybody Gets to Write Songs and Everybody Gets To Work On Host Songs. So, We All Put Our Little Own Salsa On The Songs. [Laughs]”

“Arcana” Marked Epic‘S First New Release Since “Omega” and the collaboration ep “The Alchemy Project”.

The Single Is Now Available on All Streaming Platforms. It also include “The Ghost in Me (Danse Macabre)”, Epic‘s Recently release Collaboration with Europe’s Second-Nost Visited Theme Park, Netherlands’s Magical Of Ephtelingand their much-anticipated new attraction, Danse Macabre.

The Previous Release Music Video for “Arcana”address by Recko TielemansCan Be Seen Below.

In a Recent interview with Spain’s Mariskal Rock, Simone Stated about Epic‘S UPCOMING ALBUM: “I’M SO HAPPY WITH THE SANGS, I’M SO PROUD HOW EVERYTHING TURNED OUT AND IT’S GONNA BE ANOTHER AMAZING Epic album. We Added A Couple of New Elements, But Also Went Back To The Roots, The Old Epic. And yeah, I Just Can’t Wait for People to Hear This.

“I loved ‘Omega’ and we toured so much with ‘Omega’ And Had Wonderful Experiences, But The When You Reach The End of a Touring Cycle, You Start To Get Itchy and Feel, ‘Okay, Now It’s Time To do the New Album. Can We do It As Good Or Maybe Even Better Than The Last Album? ‘ That’s Always The Thing We Stive For, Ways To Renew Ourselves A Little Bit. And We Feel A Vry Strong Spiritual Connection Also That It’s Our Ninth Album. So There’s Gonna Be Themes Around The Symbolic Meaning of Nine, The Number Nine. “

Elaboating on the musical direction of Epic‘S Next album, Simone Said: “The Songs Are Heavy. There’s Beautiful Ballad, A seery cinematic song, Vray Uptempo, Vray Doomy, Melancholic and Amazing, Amazing Power Riffs. It’s the Most Epic EpicI Think, so far. Yeah, I Think So. I MEAN, I’M Feeling It. I’M VERY HAPPY WITH IT. I’M PROUD OF IT. “

Epic was formed by guitarist Mark Jansen after leaving After Forever In 2002, and The Band Quickly Gained Attention Outsisce their Home Country, Taking Big Steps Towards Becoming The Leading Symphonic Metal Superpower they have long come to be. After Their Ambitious debut “The Phantom Agony” (2002) and the surprisingly eclectic sophomore work “Consign to oblivion” (2005), The Road Took Them to New Heights via Their First Concept Masterpiece “The Divine Conspiracy” (2007) and their global breakthrough “Design Your Universe” (2009). 2012’s Opus “Requiem for the indifferent”2014’s Bedazzling “The quantum enigma” and “The Holographic Principle” (2016), cemented their reputation as not only one of the hardest-working metal Bands in the business but also as one of the best. With “Omega”The Final Part of The Metaphysical Trilogy they Began with “The quantum enigma”they reclaimed The Throne Without So Much As The Blink of An Eye, Amassing Three Million-Plus Streams During the Cruple Week of The Album’s Release.

Photo Credit: Tim Truckoe

