Splatter is a new vinyl and digital underground techno label from Austrian artists Luca Tresque, Joe Haensn and Rotary Motion.
‘Exceed Limits’ follows their special prequel EP and launches the label catalog in style with a stunning compilation that welcomes a host of talent from Berlin, Leipzig, Cologne, Stuttgart in Germany, Spain and Austria.
All the artists who feature on this release include, Anml Mthr, Daniel Heinrich, Egotot, EÒNAN, Florian Meindl, JANEIN, Linear System, Luca Tresque, VIVEZ, and there is one collaboration from Donkker combining with Paul&Deep.
The artists on this compilation have collectively released on record labels such as Florian Meindl’s FLASH, Robert Hoff’s trau-ma, Alex Bau’s Credo, Coyu’s Suara, Marco Bailey’s MATERIA, Slam’s Soma, Electric Rescue’s Skryptöm, Index Marcel Fengler, Blank Code, Alleanza, Subsist, SYXT, Diffuse Reality among others.
The 10-track package is a melting pot of techno variations including raw, hypnosis with modular accents, analogue grooves, deep textures and spacey atmospherics.
Grab it HERE!